List your Property

List your Property

Interested in selling your property in San Miguel de Allende? Let us show you how our brokerage stands out from the rest, just like your listing will. Complete the details below and we will contact you to set up a listing presentation.


    Mortgage Pre-Approvals

    We are proud to present mortgages to the SMA community

    Mortgages to Buy Real Estate in Mexico

    Inspired by the principle of transparent lending, the mortgage company offers cross-border financing solutions to U.S. citizens seeking to securely purchase or refinance residential property in Mexico. The credit scores of the borrower in the United States is the principal factor to the lender in making each loan decision.  KRG offers to make the introduction of this opportunity to its clients.

    Exceptional Location

    Lender Information

    From pre-qualification to closing, the mortgage company will handle your loan, start to finish. Their talented and capable team is available to assist you with any questions you may have along the way and pre-approval times are less than 72 hours.

    The mortgage company is backed by billions of dollars in capital and is a regulated and audited financial institution in both Mexico and the United States.  

    They have 200+ years of combined international lending experience on both sides of the border and always keep their client’s best interest at hand.

    The mortgage company takes their commitment to client success seriously; after all, there are no compromises when it concerns quality, reliability, and reputation.

    Loan Characteristics

    Fully Amortized
    Up to 25-year term
    Fixed interest rate
    No balloon payment
    No hidden fees
    No currency exchange risk
    Mortgage interest reported in the US
    List your Property

    List your Property

    Interested in selling your property in San Miguel de Allende? Let us show you how our brokerage stands out from the rest, just like your listing will. Complete the details below and we will contact you to set up a listing presentation.


      Please fill out your information and we will be in touch with you soon about your finance options.